There it is latest FM 23 logo pack with more than +50.000 logos. For more realistic and visually aesthetic FM 23 experience, choose one of the 5 best FM23 logo packs below.
Every one of the logo packs listed below is created by different team. Therefore, all have different design, quality, and number. I have made this compilation of FM 2023 logo packs so that you can choose the one that suits you the most.
I hope you like at least one of them. Once you choose one, scroll down to bottom and check out my logo pack installation guide.
1. Footbe Logos

As you can see in the picture above, Footbe Logos have a unique design. Instead of classic round style, now club badges look like a car logo. This design is one of my favorites. I hope you like too. If you don’t find it appealing, it’s okay too. Because there are four more beautiful FM23 logos megapack on this list.
Footbe Logo pack is pretty big too. More than 2495 pictures covering the top 43 leagues. Including all of Europea.
2. Minimal Logos

Here is the smallest FM23 logo pack. Only 128 images with super simple designs. It is totally minimalistic and only covers 3 leagues. England, Italy, and Spain to be specific. That is why its size is so small.
So, if you are playing with a club from one of these leagues, this logo pack is a good light-weight choice. However, if you are going to choose a club from another country, better download another logo pack from this list.
3. Standard Logos

Standard logos is one of the most popular logo packs of FM. High quality 134,273 images are in it. Almost all leagues and competitions covered.
This pack does not use any custom design. All club logos are %100 identical to the real-life ones. So, if you value realism above all else, this is the pack you need. Why bother with custom designs when you can have the real deal right?
Well, some custom designs look pretty good though… There is no accounting for tastes, I guess. Let me know what you think.
4. TCM Logos

Number 4 on our list is TCM Logos with 68,983 badge pictures. I don’t know if you ever heard TCM before, it’s been around for years. Up until now, it is downloaded more than 4 million times.
Same logos are right in front of us in 2023. Of course, most of them updated for this year. All I can say is this, TCM Logo pack is one of the best both quality and quantity wise.
5. Metallic Logos

Lastly, we have Metallic Logos. This pack uses interesting logo design which looks and feels metallic. Look at the picture above, the light reflects on the metal surface.
With 380,000 badges, Metallic Logos is the biggest logo megapack there is. Because of that, its filesize is immense.
To be honest, I don’t like this style much. That’s why I ranked it last. But you might love it. After all, it’s all about visual preference. That was the last FM 23 logo megapack on this list. Now let’s get right to the Logo installation guide.
FM23 Logo Installation Guide
Now let’s talk about the installation process. Choose one from the FM23 top best logo packs from above and download. Unpack the downloaded archive and copy the contents inside. You must paste copied files to the logos folder. The location of logos folder depends on the operation system you are running. Even though %90 percent of the FM players use Windows, I wanted to explain mac installation too.
Where to install FM 23 logo pack on Windows PCs:
Username \ Documents \ Sports Interactive \ Football Manager 2023 \ graphics \ logos \
FM23 logo pack installation on Mac laptops:
~ / Library / Application Support / Football Manager 2023 / graphics / logos
These are the correct logos folder location path.
To install simply copy/paste mod files to the logos folder. If the logos does not exist inside the graphics folder, you can create it yourself. It %100 works that way. Installation is simple as that. After that you should be able to see new logos in your save game perfectly.
There is one more step to installation though. Most of the time logo pack works without this last step. Still, I want to share it in case you encounter complications.
Last step requires simply running the game and deleting cache / cookies. To do that, go to in-game interface settings and reload skin.
Done and done! Now it is time to enjoy FM 2023 with brand-new high-quality logos. I wish you good luck on your career.
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